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Saturday, July 23, 2011

HSST Computer Science Syllabi - Page 3

9.   Software  Engineering
System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) : Steps, Water fall model. Prototypes, Spiral model.
Software Metrics ; Software Project Management.
Software Design : System design. detailed design. function oriented design, object-oriented design,
user interface design. Design level metrics.
Coding and Testing : Testing level metrics. Software quality and reliability. Clean room approach,
software engineering.

10.     Computer Graphics
Display systems. Input devices, 2D Geometry - .Algorithms for drawing primitives, clipping and
windowing, windows, view ports, Graphic operations for transformations , 3D Graphics. Animation,
Graphics standard. Applications.
Storage Devices, Input Tools. Authoring Tools, Application, Files.

11.  Programming Language Theory
Programming language concepts, paradigms, models.
Data. Data types, Operators, Expressions. Assignment. Flow of Control - Control structures, I/O
structures. I/O statements, User-Defined and built- in functions. Parameter passing.
Principles, classes, inheritance, class hierarchies, polymorphism, dynamic binding, reference
semantics and their implementation.
Principles, functions, lists, types and polymorphism, higher order functions, lazy evaluation,
equations and pattern matching.
Principles, horn clauses and their execution, logical variables, relations, data structures, controlling
the search order, program development in Prolog, implementation of Prolog, example programs in

12.  Current Trends and Technologies
The topics of current interest in Computer Science and Computer Applications shall be covered. The
experts shall use their judgement from time to time to include the topics of popular interest which are
expected to be known by an ardent follower of the field. Currently, they include :
Parallel computing
Parallel virtual Machine (PVM) and message passing interface (MPI) libraries and calls. Advanced
architectures. Today's fastest computersMobile Computing
Mobile connectivity - Cells. Framework, wireless delivery technology and switching methods, mobile
information access devices, mobile data internetworking standards, cellular data communication
protocols, mobile computing applications. Mobile databases - protocols, scope, tools and technology.

Electronic Commerce : Framework, Media convergence of Applications, Consumer Applications,
Organisation applications.
Electronic Payment Systems : Digital Token, Smart Cards, Credit Cards. Risks in Electronic Payment
System, Designing Electronic Payment Systems.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) : Concepts, Applications, (Legal, Security and Privacy) issues.
EDI and Electronic Commerce. Standardisation and EDI. EDI Software Implementation. EDI
Envelope for Message Transport, internet-based EDI.
Data Warehousing : Data Warehouse environment, architecture of a data warehouse methodology,
analysis, design, construction and administration.
Data Mining : Extracting models and patterns from large databases, data mining techniques,
classification, regression, clustering, summarization, dependency modelling, link analysis,
sequencing analysis, mining scientific and business data.
Principles of parallelism, co routines, communication and execution, Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM)
and Message Passing Interface (MPI) routines and calls. Parallel programs in PVM paradigm as well
as MPl paradigm for simple problems like matrix multiplication.

Courtesy : Official Website of Kerala PSC

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