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National Eligibility Test [ NET ]
The National Educational Testing Bureau of University Grants Commission (UGC) conducts National Eligibility Test (NET) to determine eligibility for lectureship and for award of Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) for Indian nationals in order to ensure minimum standards for the entrants in the teaching profession and research. The Test is conducted in Humanities (including languages), Social Sciences, Forensic Science, Environmental Sciences, Computer Science and Applications and Electronic Science.

N E T Schedule
UGC conducts NET twice a year, i.e., in the months of June and December. The notifications announcing the June and December examinations are published in the months of March and September respectively in the weekly journal of nation-wide circulation, viz, Employment News.

N E T Results Declaration Schedule
The result of June, UGC-NET is declared generally in the month of October. Similarly December, UGC-NET result is usually declared in the month of April. The UGC-NET results published in the Employment News are also available on UGC website.

Submission of the Application Forms for Appearing in The UGC-NET
The procedure for applying for UGC-NET is described in detail in the notification for the relevant examination. The notification is published in the Employment News generally in the months of March and September and is also uploaded on the UGC website



1. Discrete Structures
Sets, Relations, Functions. Pigeonhole Principle, Inclusion-Exclusion principle, Equivalence and
Partial Orderings. Elementary Counting Techniques.
Computability : Models of computation - Finite Automata, Pushdown Automata, Non-determinism
and NFA, DPDA and PDA s and Languages accepted by these structures. Grammars - types of
grammars - type 0 , type I, type 2 and type 3. The relationship between types of grammars,
Languages, Non-computability, Non-computable problems.
Groups : Finite fields and Error correcting / detecting codes.
Propositional logic. Predicate logic. Well-formed formulae (WFF). Satisfiability and Tautology.

2. Computer    Arithmetic
Logic families : TTL, ECL and C-MOS gates. Boolean algebra and Minimization of Boolean
functions, Flip-flops- types, race condition and comparison, Design of combinational and sequential
Representation of Integers : Octal. Hex. Decimal and Binary 2's complement and 1's complement
arithmetic. Floating point representation.

3  .    Programming in C and C++
Programming in C : Elements of C - Tokens, identifiers, data types in C, Control constructs in C,
Sequence, selection and iteration. Structured data types in C - arrays, structs, unions, strings and
Object-Oriented programming Concepts : Class - object, instantiation, Inheritance -polymorphism
and overloading, aggregation, abstract classes, generalization as extension and restriction. Object
oriented design. Multiple inheritance
C++ - programming : Elements of C++ - Tokens, Identifiers, Variables and constants. Data types,
Operators. Control statements, Functions, parameter passing, Class and objects, Constructors and
destructors, Overloading, Inheritance, Templates, Exception handling.

4. Relational Database Design and Query Languages
E-R diagrams, Transformation of E-R models to relational design, Normalization - INF, 2NF, 3NF,
BCNF and 4NF.
SQL : Data Definition Language ( DDL) , Data Manipulation Language (DML), Data Control
Language (CDL) Commands. Database objects like- Views, indexes, sequences, synonyms, data
dictionary, Embedded SQL, QBE
Query Processing and Optimisation, Centralised and Distributed Database, Security,
Concurrency and Recovery in Centralised and Distributed Database Systems, Object Oriented
Database Management Systems – Concepts, Composite objects, Integration with RDBMS
5.     Data Structures and  Algorithms
Data, Information. Definition of data structure, Arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, trees,
graphs, priority queues and heaps.
File Structures : Fields, records and files. Sequential, direct, index-sequential and relative
files. Hashing, inverted list and multi- lists, B-trees and B+ trees.
Graphs : Definition, walks, paths, connected graphs, regular and bipartite graphs, cycles and
circuits. Tree and rooted tree, Spanning trees, Eccentricity of a vertex radius and diameter of
a graph, Hamiltonian and Eulerian graphs. Planar graphs.
Sorting and Searching Algorithms, Analysis of Algorithms, Interpolation and Binary Search.
Asymptotic notations -  big oh. omega and theta. Average case analysis of simple programs
like finding of a maximum of n elements. Recursion. Quick sort.
Design of Algorithms (Divide and Conquer. Greedy method. Dynamic programming. Back
tracking. Branch and Bound).

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Courtesy : Official Website of Kerala PSC